Makeup Products / Out Of The Kit Effects


Silicone Makeup Effects

Silicone can be used to create durable and realistic effects, such as wounds and injuries, directly on the skin.

It holds well and can withstand a lot of wear without losing its shape, making it more durable than scar wax, gelatin, and latex.

Examples of silicone products for makeup effects include Narrative Cosmetics Silicone Modeling Compound, 3rd Degree, and Kryolan ARTEX. Silicone can be used to create a variety of effects, including wounds, warts, boils, zombie skin, and artificial burns.

It is recommended to use alcohol-activated makeup to color silicone.

Silicone can also be used to create prosthetics, but this article will not focus on that. More information about prosthetics will be provided in separate posts later 🙂

Silicone can also be used on smooth plastic surfaces to create prosthetics without the need for molding and casting. See video tutorial under.

Silicone Benefits

  • Very durable
  • Easy to work with
  • Easy to remove

Silicone Disadvantages

  • A bit pricey, but it’s worth the price
  • Limited time malleable
  • Must not be used near latex as this will cause it not to dry

Silicone Makeup Effects Tips

  • Dip tools or your fingers in a little isopropyl alcohol when smoothing out the transition from silicone to the skin so that it will be easier to smooth out the silicone.
  • You can use stipple sponges to create texture of skin on top of the silicone.
  • You can get silicone that is already colored in skin color or clear silicone that you can pigment if you want too. There is also blood-coloured silicone which is suitable for making up burns, for example.
VIDEO – Sculpt Gel Prosthetics without molding and casting
VIDEO – Kryolan ARTEX (NOTE: This is just a demonstration, they did not blend the edges)
VIDEO – Kryolan ARTEX demonstration
VIDEO – Easy 3D Creepy Infected Veins and texture with silicone

Examples – Silicone makeup effects

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